The topic I would like to do my podcast on is people’s misconceptions about being sick. Sometimes they think they just have a cold when in fact they could and sometimes do have something much more serious than just a common cold. The main point would be that in today’s world, regardless of what you think you have or what your friends tell you, you need to go to the doctor. Sometimes what you think is a stomach virus can be diverticulitis. Or your chest cold could be an allergic reaction to dust or mold now that the crops are being harvested across the area. Also, many illnesses that were deemed incurable 10 or 15 years ago are now being caught very early and most times are cured because they were detected early enough that something could be done. This podcast would be a great complement to my Webtext as we all thought my friend just had a simple chest cold, or maybe another collapsed lung. But after his x-ray, that’s when he began his trip down a road he would never return from. Also, kids are checked for so many things while they’re young, like scoliosis, and they are immediately put on a course of treatment to minimize the negative effects of scoliosis.
Okay, so awareness and caution! This is a good idea. Make sure you keep it professional and give strong support for your statements ande examples. I think this goes well with your topic of your Webtext which indicates how long it can take doctors to diagnose a problem properly. If people get themselves in to a doctor early enough, their illness may not be dangerously advanced before they get an answer!